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Hygrophila polysperma 'Indian Red'

Hygrophila polysperma 'Indian Red'

SKU: 00278

Hygrophila polysperma ‘Indian Red’ (Dwarf Hygrophila, Dwarf Hygro, Miramar Weed, Indian Swampweed, Indian Waterweed)


Invasive species warning: This species is a known invasive pest in the Great Lakes region where it may be regulated or prohibited by U.S. state and federal statutes. It is also restricted in several other states such as Kansas and South Carolina.  If you are ordering from the US, this plant will be removed from your order and the difference refunded. Please read the detailed description for more information.


A slightly redder variation of the classic Dwarf Hygro (Hygrophila polysperma), our Hygrophila polysperma 'Indian Red' is a great plant for any aquarium as it is beautiful and one of the least demanding plants in the entire hobby. It is normally a green plant but this cultivar will develop a beautiful reddish coloration in strong lighting. 


Dwarf Hygro will grow and thrive in virtually any conditions and makes a great plant for a first time planted aquarium. It's also a fast growing, beautiful plant and makes a excellent addition to any aquascape. 


If you are looking for a great first plant or a plant to help clean your water while providing a more comfortable, natural habitat for your fish and shrimp, you really can't go wrong with this plant provided that it's allowed where you live and you agree to keep it out of any natural bodies of water and to dispose of unwanted cuttings properly!


Difficulty: Very Easy
Type: Stem 
Size: Maximum of 60cm in height - usually smaller. Prune for shorter, denser growth
Position and Usage: Midground to background. Naturally branching and bushy growth habit makes it an incredibly versatile plant for any aquascape.
Growth Rate: Fast to very fast
Lighting: 2/5 - 5/5
Water Conditions: pH of 5 - 8, soft to moderately hard water, temperatures of 18 - 28 °C
CO2: Not required
Propagation: Stem clippings
Special requirements: Good quality substrate and fertilization is appreciated. Extra Iron will enable the best red coloration in this cultivar.


INVASIVE SPECIES INFORMATION: Restricted in Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Kansas and South Carolina along with U.S. Federal regulations. While unrestricted in Canada, this plant (along with any other aquatic plant) should never ever be released into any natural waterway and excess cuttings should be disposed properly either by trading them with your local fish store for credit or by sealing them in a plastic bag and disposing in the garbage. Keep our natural freswater ecosystems healthy. More information in the detailed description. 

  • Description

    Native to India, Dwarf Hygro is one of the most popular aquarium species since it is attractive, fast growing, and does not require either high lighting or additional CO2 fertilization. For many low-tech setups or beginners, this species is the ideal choice to start out with.


    In good lighting, Hygrophila polysperma will naturally produce many side branches for very dense, bushy growth habit. Though it is frequently used as a background plant by many planted aquarium enthusiasts, pruning will further encourage this type of short, dense form making it a fantastic midground plant. 


    Leaves are normally green but this particular variety will turn a lovely pink color under intense lighting, for a colorful contrast with your other plants. Even under fairly low lighting, this plant will still grow quite well.


    Hygrophila polysperma 'Indian Red' thrives without CO2 and the addition of CO2 may cause it to grow so fast as to become a nuisance. It requires a good amount of fertilization since it is so fast growing and will do an amazing job at cleaning your water for healthier animals and dramatically reduced algae!


    This plant is happy in a wide variety of temperatures and is robust and fast-growing enough to be used with Goldfish.


    Invasive species details: Because this species is so adaptable, undemanding and tolerant of cooler temperatures, it is known to be an invasive threat in North American waterways such as (but not limited to) the Great Lakes where it has done a LOT of damage to the natural biodiversity. We are aware of formal restrictions in Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Kansas and South Carolina. In addition, there are restrictions at the US Federal level so this product will be removed (and refunded) from your order without notice if you live in the United States. 


    Please check if Hygrophila polysperma (Dwarf Hygro, Indian Hygrophila) is listed as a noxious pest in your area. Even in the absence of official restrictions, no aquatic plant - especially this one - should ever be released into a natural waterway and should never be used in private ponds that are connected to other bodies of water.


    While this plant is permitted in Canada, the introduction of any exotic plant to our increasingly imperiled natural habitats is a serious threat to their healthy functioning and biodiversity. Please dispose of cuttings properly and never release this plant in a natural waterway regardless of where you live! NEVER use this plant in ponds that  are connected to other bodies of water, even if they are on your property.


    Any cuttings you don't want should be sealed in a plastic bag and placed in your trash. If you live in a vulnerable area you can also dry, freeze, microwave or boil the material to ensure that it is dead before disposing. Many local fish stores will take good quality cuttings for store credit so check with yours. 


    If you have any questions about how you can help protect our freshwater habitats, feel free to contact us. Aquarists know first-hand the value of freshwater ecosystems and we should do all we can to educate ourselves and others to cherish and steward the ponds, lakes and rivers in our own communities! 

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