CO2 Equipment
CO2ONE - CO2 Fertilization for Everyone
For SodaStream, Paintball, and CGA320 Cylinders
CO2 is a gas in the atmosphere required for photosynthesis and protects plants against toxic oxidative damage. Without it plants don't just starve, they literally vaporize their own body tissues. Dried plants are 90% CO2 and only 5% other nutrients. Thus CO2 is unquestionably the most important nutrient for healthy aquatic plants, trumping nutrients and even lighting!

CO2 is extremely deficient in the aquarium. Many natural waters contain more than 100 times the CO2 in your tank. No amount of fertilization or lighting can make up for the extreme CO2 deficit. While some plants have adaptations to survive and even grow without CO2 and an emergency fallback, it severely limits your options to just a few hardy species. Even they grow much better with CO2 fertilization. Even notoriously difficult carpeting plants just seem to grow themselves. Unless you've experienced CO2 fertilization before, the results will simply blow you away.

There's a variety of ways to restore your aquarium to CO2 levels plants are used to in the wild. The gold standard has been a dedicated regulator and a CO2 cylinder. Unfortunately CO2 regulators are often ugly, hard to use and prone to malfunction. Cylinders are expensive, heavy, and difficult to find and even more difficult to refill. DIY setups with yeast and sugar are better than nothing but get messy, unpredictable and doesn't deliver the same results. "Kits" based on disposable cartridges from big brands like Tropica or Fluval are barely usable, chew through expensive cartridges almost weekly and often end up gathering dust. Costly "liquid carbon" supplements can be extremely toxic and only work for certain plants while harming others.

CO2ONE is pressurized CO2 for the 21st century - a complete system designed from the ground up for planted aquariums using the latest technologies. We looked at the pro and cons of available CO2 solutions and picked the the best features and dumped the worst. Instead of using a fifty year old regulator design, originally meant for beer, we chose a radical redesign. The result is a compact yet advanced regulator paired with an interchangeable thread mount and the best accessories on the market. The result? A CO2 system that is the ultimate in performance, convenience and versatility.

The CO2ONE system is complete - there is nothing else to buy or think about. Everything you could ever want in a professional CO2 system is there and it's compatible with any CO2 source in the world including inexpensive and extremely practical SodaStream canisters. Paintball and dedicated cylinders work just as well and there are no compromises. There is simply nothing else like it!

The CO2ONE is for everyone - from beginners starting with live plants for the first time to to pros with dedicated fish rooms. It's remarkably intuitive, deceptively powerful and surprisingly affordable. The system can be configured for any aquarium small or large with all the features you could ever need right at your fingertips. Best of all, you don't need to know anything about CO2 to be up and running in 15 minutes!

CO2 fertilization is the single best investment for your planted aquarium. Not only will your treasured plants grow 5-10 times faster, they grow better, transforming your tank into a beautiful underwater paradise covered with lush foliage, brilliant colors and sparkling oxygen bubbles. There's nothing you can't grow and the results are nearly instant. No more scraggly growth, melting plants or never-ending plagues of algae. You will almost certainly never look back.

In nature, plants and animals need each other to survive. CO2 fertilization allows your plants to thrive and so will your animals. Ammonia, Nitrate and Phosphate are rapidly consumed for absolutely pristine water with oxygen being created everywhere. Territorial fish will stake out a clearly defined spot and calm down while shy fish become more confident, knowing they can dart into the thicket on a moments notice. In CO2 fertilized planted aquariums, fish and shrimp commonly breed spontaneously.
Some dedicated regulators are inconsistent and can cause severe pH fluctuations. The CO2ONE regulator is precise and consistent so there are no nasty surprises especially at the end of a tank.

Handsome metal unibody regulator with adjustable pressure and dual step, balanced decompression
Premium long-throw needle valve for easy and precise microadjustment
DC solenoid and bubble counter
Interchangeable thread mount (Choose: SodaStream, Paintball or CGA320)
3 meters of CO2 resistant pressure tubing
Stainless steel anti-return valve
Glass U-bend for tanks with and without rims
Choice of the best diffusers or in-line atomizer for your tank size and filter type
High quality suction cups for organizing your CO2 tubing
Hand blown, glass drop checker for monitoring CO2 levels in style
Research grade CO2 indicator solution for precise readings
Engraved stainless steel multi-tool for effortless installation
2 year full service warranty on the regulator and 60 day guarantee on all accessories
Lifetime professional support and advice from ABC Plants experts
Solenoid switch for automatic operation and timing. IP65 rated for water and dust protection and DC design for maximum reliability and safety.
Integrated bubble counter with built-in check valve to monitor your CO2 flow rate and protect your investment
Pressure adjustable between 0 and 60 PSI to suit any type of CO2 delivery system
Premium "needle valve" with long throw adjustment for exceptionally precise fine control of CO2 injection rate.
Advanced pressure chamber construction for exceptionally consistent flow rates throughout the life of the cylinder. Set it and forget it.
Anti - End of Tank Dump (EOTD) design protects your aquarium against a sudden surge of CO2 when a cylinder is nearly empty. A problem in low quality regulators that can have serious consequences for fish, inverts and plants; ours offers you the peace of mind that your tank inhabitants will be safe.
Native compatibility with all common CO2 sources such as SodaStream, Paintball, CGA320 and even disposable cylinders. No need for unreliable and finicky third party adapters.
Solenoid and bubble counter both rotate 360 degrees for mounting to any CO2 bottle in any orientation.
Handsome aluminum unibody design not only looks good but is designed to minimize leaks and failures for a lifetime of reliable service.
Embossed stainless steel wrench is the only tool you'll need.
Sets up in minutes, you're up and running in 15 minutes or less.

At the heart of the system is our beautifully crafted universal regulator. While impressively compact and easy to use, it has all the features you should expect from any high quality CO2 regulator. Including:

No CO2 kit can work without a diffuser to dissolve CO2 from your regulator into your aquarium water. We've tested dozens of models of virtually all types of diffusers on the market and chosen the best options for aquariums of all types and sizes. You can choose the type you want that best suits your tank or let us choose for you by providing some basic information about your aquarium.
Best for smaller tanks 35 gallons or smaller, these attractive and low profile acrylic diffusers with create a steady stream of CO2 micro-bubbles in all directions. Stunningly small yet powerful, they look great in any display and can be easily hidden behind taller plants. The built-in bubble counter allows you to monitor your CO2 rate at a glance from inside the aquarium. Unique membrane material produces extremely fine bubbles and is naturally resistant to clogging or algal growth.

Best for tanks between 20-50 gallons, these diffusers feature a unique pressure resistant gasket between the diffuser body and the ceramic diffusion plate. Unlike common glass diffusers, the joint between the ceramic plate and the body is airtight which prevents CO2 from leaking around the diffusion membrane to ensure 100% of your CO2 is refined into micro bubbles. The ceramic plate is removable for easy cleaning and a built-in bubble counter lets you monitor your CO2 at-a-glance.

These high output diffusers are the best choice for servicing larger tanks (>50 gallons) though they can be used to good effect in tanks of all sizes. The large diffusion surface and solid one-piece construction allows these to reliably process a very high volume of CO2 into an impressive plume of CO2 microbubbles that are either taken into your filter or carried in the currents and quickly dissolved for the ultimate in-tank delivery of CO2. This option is recommended for large tanks but are also very effective for small and medium sized tanks that are densely planted.

If you have an external canister filter, you may prefer to inject your CO2 directly into the filter circuit with our venerable in-line diffuser (or atomizer) from UP Aqua. This is often considered the most efficient option and enables the use of virtually unlimited amounts of CO2 and is thus well suited to very large tanks up to hundreds of gallons. It is a great way to ensure even distribution throughout the tank and that no CO2 is wasted. For aquariums of any size this is a great way to diffuse CO2 and is enthusiastically recommended if you are using an external filter.

In-tank diffuser vs in-line atomizers
In-tank diffusers are designed for aquariums that do not have external canister filters and use the more common HOB (hang on back) or internal power filters. In-tank diffusers are installed in your aquarium where they produce a fine mist of CO2 that is quickly dissolved in the water and evenly distributed by water flowing around the aquarium. They are most efficient when installed near a filter in take or any area with strong water flow.
In-line diffusers (also called atomizers) are installed on the hose from your canister filter and distribute CO2 into the water returning from the filter. They are excellent for use with external filters and can be more efficient and better suited for processing large volumes of CO2 for large aquariums.
PRO TIP: What's the most efficient way to dissolve CO2 in my aquarium if I don't have an external filter?
If you have a very large tank without an external canister filter, the most efficient way to dissolve large volumes of CO2 quickly is to use a simple powerhead, wave maker or just a simple water pump in the aquarium. Chances are many of you already have one of these installed. Simply place the CO2 diffuser near the intake of the powerhead and the pump will do a fantastic job of dissolving the CO2 bubbles through the motion of its internal and blowing the carbonated water along with any undissolved bubbles around the aquarium. This method is just as effective as an external filter but only requires a $10 accessory instead of an entire canister filter setup.
For aquariums smaller than 55 gallons, if your diffuser is placed strategically, near the filter intake or in an area of high water flow, it's efficiency will be pretty close to an in-line atomizer because only a small number of CO2 microbubbles need to be dissolved.
Every ABC Plants CO2 kit includes everything you need to keep an eye on the amount of CO2 in your aquarium. Too much CO2 can cause lower the pH, causing stress to livestock and is a waste while too little CO2 does not allow your plants to reach their true potential so it is vital to know how much CO2 is in your tank so that you can find the perfect balance for your individual aquarium.

Your kit includes this handsome blown glass widget referred to as a "drop checker" which shows you the CO2 concentration in your aquarium when filled with an indicator solution. Compared the most common drop checkers sold on sites like Amazon, the quality difference is obvious. It is smaller, less intrusive and has no rough glass edges - everything is polished and it looks better in your aquarium - taking up far less visual space.
For use with your drop checker, we've prepared this 4dKH indicator solution in our own lab using only research grade reagents. The solution is calibrated for maximum accuracy, with all parameters carefully measured to ensure accurate, consistent readings and a long working life so it does not need to be replaced often. Many generic CO2 indicator drops are made with low quality reagents with unstable pH and use your tank water as a baseline which makes consistent readings impossible. You can rely on our pre-calibrated 4dKH indicator to accurately respond to your CO2 levels reliably and consistently ensuring that you know exactly how much CO2 is in your aquarium.
Connecting your CO2 system together, preventing the backflow of water and organizing tubing is less visible part of a CO2 system but though you don't think it them often, the simple accessories are vital and using lower quality parts for these less exciting components of your system can make a huge difference in performance and efficiency. The detail we've paid to the "simple stuff" makes sure that you aquarium CO2 system runs as smoothly as possible for a very long time.
Regular aquarium air-line tubing is designed for very low pressure use - between an air pump and an airstone. The material used is slightly porous to gases but isn't a problem for its intended use. CO2 systems are completely different - they are pressured at all times and the porosity of air-line tubing becomes a potentially big issue - losing up to 25% of CO2 gas in some estimates. Additionally, CO2 and water vapor mix to form a weak acid that will eat away at air-line tubing, turning it cloudy, making the walls hard and brittle and creating invisible micro-fractures that contribute to even more loss of CO2. The tubing in each kit is specially designed to be used under pressure with CO2. It is not gas-permeable and is resistant to corrosion so nearly 100% of your CO2 makes its way to the diffuser and the tubing will not deteriorate - remaining pliant and strong for years to come.

Like airline tubing, common plastic aquarium check valves are not intended for use under pressure. The components within are quickly corroded by CO2 and cease functioning in a matter of weeks while the housing is also damaged very quickly enabling considerable amounts of CO2 to escape without notice. As these are not made to be used under-pressure, they are not tested to be gas tight and often come from the factory with existing leaks and microfractures that waste CO2. We include a solid brass check valve in your system which is designed to be used only under pressure and will perform admirably for a long time. The completely leak-proof housing is made of solid brass which is uniquely resistant to chemical damage from CO2. Additionally, our brass check valves are lightweight and virtually the same diameter as the tubing for a clean, uninterrupted appearance when installed.

Detail is everything to us and we've made sure that every kit with an in-tank diffuser also includes a glass U-Bend. These little things are easy to overlook but they help you position your diffuser precisely where you want it and make the whole set up look much neater. A little accessory that is definitely optional but can make a big difference for convenience and aesthetic - a small detail we made sure to remeber.