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Cryptocoryne lucens

Cryptocoryne lucens

SKU: 00247

Cryptocoryne lucens


A relatively uncommon crypt species useful for foreground and midground placement. Like most Crypts, Cytocoryne lucens grows slowly but does not require a lot of light or CO2 and is perfect for beginners. It is a small to medium size crypt with slender leaves that broaden out towards the tip.



Difficulty: Easy

Type: Rosette with rhizomes

Size: 10-20cm leaves

Position and Usage: Foreground to background

Growth rate: Slow - Moderate

Lighting: 1/5 - 5/5

Water Conditions: 18 - 28°C

CO2: Not required

Propagation: Spreads naturally with runners. Existing plant can be divided down to the middle to produce more plants.

Special Requirements: Few special requirements - nutrient rich substrate

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