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Eleocharis acicularis ‘mini’ (Dwarf Hairgrass)
  • Eleocharis acicularis ‘mini’ (Dwarf Hairgrass)

    SKU: 00177

    Eleocharis ‘mini’



    Difficulty: Moderate

    Type: Carpeting

    Size: 3 – 6 cm in height

    Position and Usage: Foreground

    Growth rate: Moderate

    Lighting: 3/5 - 5/5

    Water Conditions: 15 - 28° C

    CO2: Strongly recommended

    Propagation: Runners

    • Description

      Known also as ‘Dwarf Needle Grass’ and ‘Japanese Dwarf Hair Grass’, Eleocharis acicularis ‘mini’ is a reliable, low-growing grass plant. It is especially well-suited to nano aquariums as its short height allows for a greater range in aquascape scale and design. When planted in small, regularly spaced tufts, Eleocharis ‘mini’ will carpet the substrate in a dense lawn.

      Although Eleocharis ‘mini’ may be a little fussier than its relative, E. parvula, it does not need frequent trimmings and so may be easier to maintain once established. Thanks to its many runners, this species will spread quickly when healthy. To keep plants thriving, provide moderate to intense lighting. CO2 supplementation is recommended if not required for lush, carpet-like growth.

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