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Nymphoides hydrophylla ‘Taiwan’
  • Nymphoides hydrophylla ‘Taiwan’

    SKU: 00172

    Nymphoides hydrophylla ‘Taiwan’ (Nymphoides aquatica ‘Taiwan’, Dwarf Taiwan Lilly).


    One of our favorite plants! Highly recommended beautiful and easy plant that will grow in virtually any aquarium. A rare and unique dwarf lilly variety that exclusively produce abundant bright green underwater leaves that are small (1" max) rather than floating lilly pads.


    A simply stunning plant with a unique look that is easy to care for and suitable for beginners to experts as well as anyone looking for a plant that'll do well with minimal effort and technology. Great for community tanks but especially appreciated by shrimp, bottom dwelling fish that like to rest on leaves such as Corydoras and Otocinclus. Nymphoides 'Taiwan' is perfect for Bettas who love to perch on its numerous lobe-like shaped leaves and grows very well in the types of setups that Bettas are typically kept in.



    Difficulty: Easy

    Type: Rosette, Dwarf Lilly

    Size: 15 – 30cm in height; 10 – 15cm in width; leaves 1 - 3cm

    Position and Usage: Typically planted in the midground to background

    Growth rate: Fast

    Lighting: 2/5 – 5/5

    Water Conditions: 20 – 28°C; pH of 6.0 – 8.0 

    CO2: Not required

    Propagation: Mother plant will produce new plantets over its body.

    • Description

      Nymphoides hydrophylla ‘Taiwan’ is a unique species that is both beautiful, lush and well-suited to beginners. If allowed, to, it may grow to surpass 30cm in height but can easily be pruned with great results. This plant makes an excellent midground or background accent or specimen because of its beautiful and uncommon appearance. It's large fresh-green leaves will fan out horizontally, beautifully ornamenting your tank and will get denser with frequent pruning.

      A hardy species, N. hydrophylla may be grown in low-tech aquariums. It will tolerate low-intensity lighting, though high-intensity lighting will promote lusher growth, as will CO2 supplementation and balanced fertilization (neither of which are required). Older leaves that have gotten too tall should be trimmed to allow space for new foliage. Given appropriate conditions, new plants will grow from the mature leaves of the mother plant. Plantlets will sprout from the leaf blade/petiole junction and can be separated from the mother plant when they reach 2 to 3 inches in height.

      This plant is fantastic for any aquarium and is a great focal point that can really draw the viewers attention. It is particularly appreciated by shrimp, small catfish and bettas who love to rest on the circular shaped leaves. The beautiful Taiwan lilly is a favorite plant of ours and adored by our customers since it is both stunning and surprisingly easy to care for.

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