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Rotala 'Nanjenshan' (Rotala sp. 'Green')
  • Rotala 'Nanjenshan' (Rotala sp. 'Green')

    SKU: 00161

    Rotala ‘Nanjenshan’ (Rotala sp. 'Green', Rotala 'Taiwan', Rotala najean, Taiwanese Rotala, Pine Tree Rotala)


    A stunning plant that surprisingly easy to grow and is fairly new to the hobby.


    Said to be a cross between Rotala rotundifolia and R. walichii, Rotala nanjenshan is in fact, a separate species that was recently discovered in ponds, lakes and other slow moving waterways in the scenic wilderness of Taiwan. It is similar in some ways to Rotala wallichii but is significantly easier to grow. Unlike R. wallichii, R. najenshan remains mostly a beautiful bright green color even in very intense lighting with only some redness developing on the tips. 


    It is an ideal plant that can be used to create dense midgrounds and backgrounds. It's leaves tend to be more delicate looking than Rotala rotundifolia but more robust and substantial than Rotala wallichii and is an extremely handsome plant for any aquascape and can create incredible dense patches when grown in good condition.


    Unlike Rotala wallichii, R. nanjenshan does not require CO2 or extremely high light and can grow well in medium to high light without CO2, but does certainly benefit enormously from the amenities of a high tech tank.



    Difficulty: Moderate

    Type: Stem

    Size: 10 – 20cm in height

    Position and Usage: Midground

    Growth rate: Fast

    Lighting: 2/5 - 5/5

    Water Conditions: 22 - 26°C

    CO2: Not required. Will benefit from CO2 injection however.

    Propagation: Cuttings replanted in the substrate allow this plant to be propagated easily and quickly.

    Special Requirements: Regular fertilization with an iron rich product such as Seachem Flourish

    Emersed Growth: Can be grown emersed in a humid terrarium environment. The plant will be much shorter and more dense. It looks a bit like club moss when grown above water.

    • Description

      Rotala 'Nanjenshan', otherwise named Rotala ‘Najean,’ is said be a natural Rotala rotundifolia, R. wallichii hybrid although this highly unlikely. It is most likely a separate but related species. It does appear to be intermediate between the two other popular Rotala plants is also unique in many other ways and is found naturally where the other two plants are unlikely to hybridize in nature.

      Rotala nanjenshan is most likely a newly discovered aquarium plant that is a fantastic addition to the hobby. It is better suited for aquarists with less experience as it is quite a bit hardier than R. wallichii while being quite beautiful on its own merits. We expect this plant to become a staple of the aquarium hobby as it is cultivated more widely and becomes less of a rarity.

      Native to Taiwan, this species makes an excellent midground to background focal point or accent depending on how you would like to present it. It's stunning, fresh green foliage may turn deep red at the tips given tank conditions but is less likely to do so than some of the other more common Rotalas. It is quite easy to grow in just moderate to high lighting without CO2 though CO2 supplementation and high lighting can result in some handsome red tips.

      This plant has lance-shaped leaves that grow in a dense, whorled pattern and may need to be thinned out over time. Note that the stems are fragile and especially active fish may damage them though more stems will grow out from the damaged stem. Aerial cuttings may be taken and replanted in the substrate to propagate; roots will extend over time. Regular trimming will encourage attractive, compact growth.

      A rare plant that is truly a treasure! You really can't go wrong with Rotala nanjenshan in virtually any well lit aquarium! 

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